Get your mailing lists verified before every send

Don't let bad emails ruin your sending reputation and waste your time and money. This tool will clean your mailing lists and increase deliverability rate up to 99%.

To get up to 1,000 free email verifications.

Try it
  verified emails

Why it's important

Keeping your sending reputation is crucial for your email marketing campaign. By detecting whether the mailbox you are going to send to is ready to receive email, you can get high deliverability rate and gain your reputation.

If you are confirming email with your new users, it'd better to detect whether it's faked email or one-time email. Such kind of emails are potentially not bound to loyal customers.

Even a good email in your mailing list today could be bad tomorrow due to many reasons such as full inbox or inactivity lock. So you need to check your mailing lists on regular basis.

With a very small fee compared to sending fee, you can eliminate many troubles of bounce emails. You will save a lot of time and money.

So, join us now?

MailVeri feature image


MailVeri feature image

Affordable price

Free duplicated emails detection

Bulk verification up to 1,000,000 emails in a list

Fast turnaround time

Syntax check

MX records check

Disposable check

Catch-All check

Role Account check

Full Inbox check

Spreadsheet, CSV and Text files support




1 credit = 1 email verification.
Credits never expire.
Free trial with 1,000 credits.
Promo may apply, login to see.

Gmail Pricing

Google is deleting millions of Gmail accounts from December 2023 due to inactivity.
And you have a lot of Gmails in your list?
We have special offers for Gmail with a 50% discount.

Pricing Comparison

We offer the most competitive pricing by optimizing costs efficiently, ensuring affordability without sacrificing quality.
Our streamlined approach guarantees unmatched value, making us the top choice for budget-conscious customers.

Service Link Price for
10,000 credits
Price for
100,000 credits
Price for
1,000,000 credits
MailVeri $9 $59 $299
ZeroBounce $80 $425 $2,750
MillionVerifier $37 $129 $389
MyEmailVerifier $32 $105 $360
ListWise $45 $185 $1,205
QuickEmailVerification $60 $320 $1,350
Bouncer $60 $400 $2,000
EmailListVerify $24 $169 $599
SendPulse $80 $363 $1,800
ClearOut $58 $350 $1,100
DeBounce $15 $90 $500
NeverBounce $50 $400 $3,000
Email List Validation $59 $299 $1,099
BriteVerify $80 $600 $4,500
Kickbox $80 $800 $4,000
Verifalia $50 $389 $1,490
XVerify $70 $400 $1,500
Proofy $29 $149 $699
Mailfloss $25 $170 $650
Emailable $60 $420 $2,100
MailerCheck $80 $500 $2,000

Frequently asked questions

General Questions

There are 7 statuses in MailVeri report:

  • VALID is safe to send
  • INVALID is unsafe to send because mailbox does not exist or disabled, or MX (Mail Exchange) records for this domain are not configured properly
  • DISPOSABLE is risky to send because this is just temporary mailbox and will be deleted after few hours or days
  • ROLE_ACCOUNT is VALID but risky to send because it's in format [email protected] or [email protected], you have to decide whether to send the email based on your marketing campaign's target
  • CATCH_ALL is risky to send because the mailbox might not exist or might be delivered to someone else, and there is also a high likelihood that the email message will be marked as spam
  • FULL_INBOX is risky to send because the mailbox is full and cannot receive any more emails
  • UNKNOWN is what we can't verify after several tries, you are not charged and can try again at another time
Which file types do you support?

MailVeri supports Excel files as well as CSV and text files. Files are processed line by line. Lines with no email or wrong syntax will be ignored.

The maximum filesize is 100MB. The maximum number of emails per list is 1,000,000.

It depends on your business. Normally you need to run once a month. But you should shorten the period to 15-day or 7-day if your listing is going bad quickly.

No, we don't. MailVeri always follows anti-spam laws. Actually sending emails costs us more what we can earn from your verification.


Yes. If you register an account and confirm your email, you will get up to 1,000 free credits. You can earn up to 10,000 bonus credits if you help to spread the words on social platforms. Credits never expire.

Which payment do you accept?

MailVeri accepts payments via Credit cards and PayPal. We're adding more payment gateways.

No. Currently we don't support refund. However, you have up to 1,000 free credits and up to 10,000 bonus credits to test MailVeri before making any purchase.

Currently, MailVeri just supports pay-as-you-go payments. We're listening feedback from customers to build subscription packages.


Do you support libs in programming languages such as Python, PHP, ...?

Not yet. Currently MailVeri just supports HTTP APIs. You can use cURL or make HTTP requests to MailVeri API server in any programming languages.

Does API support all features same as web app?

Yes. You can upload, verify, track progress, cancel, get results and download the files same as what you can do on web app. You can also query your remaining credits via API.

Does API support bulk verification up to a million emails?

Yes. MailVeri uses same platform for both web app and API, so you can use bulk verification without any issue. You'll see your list on the web dashboard which marked as API